Lyra R. Saenz
Paranormal Romance Author

Praise for Prelude
"Prelude is a musical introduction, and the melody arches throughout the book with a stark simplicity. Tunes and songs and instruments play alongside characters and story so beautifully, the reader can practically hear the melody. With every hummed song, the reader feels connected to the world in which it belongs."
~Amazon Review
"I look forward to a sequel!"
~Goodreads Review
"It is a bit early yet to compare this series to others’, but I found myself thinking of Martin and Tolkien quite a bit. I can see this series easily becoming just as beloved and respected. I will certainly be picking up the next book."
~Goodreads Review by Beau Lake (Author of The Wolves of Wharton Series)
"Few books leave me unable to put them down - Prelude joins that list."
~Barnes & Noble Review by Anonymous

Praise for Sonata
"When I first read the blurb for Sonata, I just knew that I had to read this book and I'm so thrilled that I was given the chance to read it. Sonata is a suspenseful and a page-turning paranormal romance story. I love the fact that Kaito is willing to do anything to protect his beloved from being killed for a second time. Sonata is a captivating story, it is exceptionally well-written. The storyline for Sonata is thrilling, entertaining, and enjoyable to read. I couldn't even set this book down because I need to know what would happen to Kaito and Wren. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone whose looking for a well-written paranormal romance story. I'm looking forward to seeing what author Lyra R. Saenz comes out with next."
~Amazon Review
"Sonata is book 2 in the Nocturne Symphony. I love Wren as a character and her growth through this series. Great characters and storyline."
~Goodreads Review