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Golden Sparkles

5 Tips for Overcoming Writer's Block


When the block comes, it comes hard, and it doesn't let up until we tear it down. Here is how I overcame my writer's block.

1. Read Something New - Pick up a book you've never read and read. Venture outside your usual genre of choice even to get a peak at how the creative juices flow from other authors and storytellers.

Last year, I started reading books again, and I did it by reading the Percy Jackson books for the first time ever, and I loved them. I consumed ten books in a month, and then an additional three with the Magnus Chase books. It was great, and it reinvigorated my writing spirit.

2. Meditate - No, I don't mean to go and do yoga and try to achieve enlightenment (though that wouldn't be a bad idea if you're unopposed to it). I mean sit and ponder. Chat with a confidant about your books.

I always find that I'm being blocked from progressing a story because I have a set idea in my head about how the story needs to progress. This happened to me with Sonata, and it is happening again as I write Allegro. We get these ideas in our head about how long or how short our writing needs to be, but at the end of the day our characters are going to do what they want/need to do. I thought I was writing the last book of my series, but I've finding I might actually need another one to wrap everything up the way I want, and making that realization and giving myself permission to do what my series is asking for really helped me free up the space to keep writing.

3. Change Your Pace - Go on walks. Paint. Knit. Go hiking. Get yourself off your writing laptop and do something in real life. A change of scenery can do a lot for changing your mentalscape and putting you back into the right frame of mind for writing.

One of my favorite things to do is go to the local library, zoo, or museum. Learning spurs creativity, and these are great places to spend time with friends and family

4. Talk to a Therapist - Writer's block doesn't happen in a vacuum. It happens because of things getting in the way of our creativity, and a therapist can help us work through those blockages.

When I was struggling with PPD, it made writing near impossible, and I worked through it with a therapist to figure out what would serve me best. It's still not great, but I often find that my writer's blocks arise as my depression or anxiety become uncontrollable. Being healthy as a writer is also about being a healthy human being: mind, body, and soul.

5. Don't Stop Writing!! - This is the hardest one because there is nothing so frustrating as trying to write and hitting wall after wall after wall, but at the end of the day, the best cure for writer's block is writing. Start a new WIP, explore a new plot idea, put any and all work down and go write a fanfic for your favorite book or tv show.

At the end of the day, never forget that your voice matters. There are people who need to read your work, people who will grow from your stories. Don't stop writing even when it gets hard.

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