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New Cover! I'm in love!

I cannot get over this new cover design. We I was told The Nocturne Symphony was going to get a second edition, I could not contain my excitement. With new covers live for purchase, I cannot wait to see how the change affects sales and overall reception of the books.

Purchase the new edition of Prelude right here:


Rambles from the Author

I've been ruminating a lot about time. How sometimes we have too much of it. Sometimes we have too little of it.

But we never seem to have just the right amount of time.

It's silly really, when you think about it. Time is this arbitrary thing yet we frame our whole lives around it: What time do we going to work? What time is my appointment? What time should I go to bed? What times should I eat?

At the end of the day, shouldn't these things happen organically. Sure, we need organization, but does our every waking moment need to be planned? Maybe I would be a more consistent writer if I had a set time every day that I sat down to write.

My two-year-old has no concept of time. To them, five minutes is an eternity. And one minute is going to go by in the blink of an eye. My toddler's schedule is structured around their needs and wants, and they don't always want the same thing at the same time every single day.

I read a lot of articles on parenting - it's just a thing you do when you are trying to keep a miniature human alive - and I see all the time that parents should keep their children on a schedule. I'm sorry, but I'm a neurodivergent parent raising a probably neurodivergent child. Schedules don't work.

So what do I do?

I haven't answered that question yet. 

In the meantime, here I am typing away on my computer trying to figure out what the next word, line, paragraph will be. One step at a time. One minute at a time. One hour, one day, one week, one month... until I finally have another book to give.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you have enough time?

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